
Course 1: Physiological Aspects of Stress


Course 1: Physiological Aspects of Stress

Lesson1: Introduction to physiology of stress

Introduction, definition, Stress response, General Adaptation Syndrome, Classification of Stress, Categories of stress.

Lesson 2 Neuro-Endocrine Axis

Anatomy and Physiology of the human stress response, stressor events, neurological triggering mechanisms, the stress axis and stress response, target organ activation.

Lesson 3 Endocrine Axis

The Adrenal Cortical Axis, The adrenal cortical response Axis, The Somatotropic Axis, The Thyroid Axis

The Posterior Pituitary Axis

Lesson 4: Integrated response to stress

Steps involved in stress adaptation, Integrated action of hormones released by SAM axis HPA axis in stress adaptation, Roles of the sympathetic nervous system:, Roles of CRH-ACTH- Cortisol system in stress.

Lesson 5The effect of stress on the organ systems of the body

Cardiovascular System, Respiratory system, Endocrine system, Gastro intestinal track, Female Reproductive System, Immuno-depression.

Lesson 6: Stress and Disease

Homeostasis, Allostasis, Stress and Heart/Cardiovascular Disease, Stress and Diabetes, Stress and the Digestive System, Stress and Cancer, Stress and Memory, Stress and Ageing.

Code :
Starting Date :
Tutor :
Ms. Online Coach
Prerequisites :

Should have completed 30 hours of classroom workshop.

When you are already registered, please login directly here

Unit Price

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