
Course 2 Emotional aspects of Stress


Stresstune- ensuring wellbeing

The Emotional Basis of Stress

Emotional system in the stress response

Positive Emotions in breaking the Stress Cycle

The Generation of Emotions: A Pattern-Matching Process

A systems model of emotion

Handling Chronic Stress through a feed-forward process

The Physiology of Positive Emotions

Psychophysiological coherence

Emotions and Moods

A Basic Set of Emotions

Some Aspects of Emotions

The Biology of Emotions

Do Emotions Make Us Irrational?

What Functions Do Emotions Serve?

Mood as Positive and Negative Affect

Organizational Behaviour (OB) Applications of Emotions and Moods

How Managers Can Influence Moods

Emotions and moods Implications for Managers

Code :
Starting Date :
Tutor :
Ms. Online Coach
Prerequisites :

Should have completed 30 hours of classrom training and course 1

When you are already registered, please login directly here

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